Event box

Teen Tuesdays at 4:30 - Karaoke In-Person

Find your voice by singing karaoke! (Or watching others try.)  Songs must be appropriate and will need to be available on YouTube.  

We will continue to offer a mixture of virtual and in-person events, as well as some hybrid (you can sign in virtually while others attend in person).  Check this calendar or call the library as specific updates are made for each week's event!

Come hang out!  A different topic every week, but always something fun or interesting.  (Your Springfield Public Library Teen Advisory Board helps select topics the month beforehand.)

Free, for teens ages 12+.

For information, contact Librarian Cara at ckinsey@springfield-or.gov.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023 Show more dates
4:30pm - 5:30pm
Time Zone:
Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
Library Meeting Room (_SP_ConfRmLibrary1)
  Arts & Culture     In-Person     Social  

Event Organizer

Cara Kinsey

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