Event box
Vikki Gasko Green: Magical Bilingual Ventriloquism In-Person
Springfield Welcomes the World!
Free Summer Events for Everyone - Outdoors on the Fountain Plaza
Vikki Gasko Green: Magical Bilingual Ventriloquist
Vikki Gasko Green, Oregon/Washingington bilingual entertainer, has been entertaining live audiences with singing, dancing, and acting since age five. An award-winning Ventriloquist, Vikki delights audiences nationally and internationally with her unique blend of drama, magic, education, and audience participation, exciting young and old alike.
This program is part of our 2022 Summer Reading Challenge! The 2022 Summer Reading Challenge begins Friday, June 17 and runs until Saturday, August 20. Summer Reading is open to all ages: babies, kids, teens, and adults. Join us for live outdoor programming every week!
Join Food for Lane County at 11:30 a.m., immediately following this event on the Fountain Plaza for a free lunch for kids and teens ages 1 - 18. No strings attached! Available while the supply lasts.
Eventos de verano gratuitos para todos - Al aire libre en la Fountain Plaza
Vikki Gasko Green: Ventrílocua bilingüe y mágica
Vikki Gasko Green, animadora bilingüe de Oregón y Washington, ha entretenido al público en vivo con canciones, bailes y actuaciones desde que tenía cinco años de edad. Ventrílocua ganadora de premios, Vikki encanta a su público a nivel nacional e internacional con su combinación única de drama, magia, educación y participación de la audiencia que alegra tanto a los jóvenes como a los mayores.
El Desafío de lectura de verano 2022 empieza el viernes 17 de junio y termina el sábado 20 de agosto. La lectura de verano está abierta para todas las edades: bebés, peques, adolescentes y personas adultas.
- Date:
- Wednesday, June 29, 2022
- Time:
- 10:30am - 11:30am
- Time Zone:
- Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
- Location:
- City Hall Fountain Plaza
- Audience:
- Adults Community Events for the Whole Family Kids/Ages 8-10 Kids/Early Elementary Kids/Preschoolers
- Categories:
- Arts & Culture